The association
& the board
The majority of residents are members of the Residents Association Vroondaal Hofstedepark. (Bewonersvereniging Vroondaal Hofstedepark - BVVH). The BVVH is an active association, that makes an effort for an optimal living environment and reassuring that the residential character is kept in future plans and developments.
The board consist of seven members:
Elly Romanesko, chair
Petra Pauwelussen, secretary
Hans Keus, vice-chair
Nic van Hal, treasurer
Erika Hemmes
Patrick Tepe
Paoline van Luijk,
Board Activities
On behalf of the members the board is the point of contact for the municipality, such as the aldermen, counsel members of the urban space committee (Commissie Ruimte), civil servants of the urban planning department (Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling) and various officials of the police.
There are regular meetings with the management of Vroondaal Development (Vroondaal Ontwikkeling). There we discus all ongoing issues and the further development of Vroondaal Hofstedepark, such as proposed changes to the plan, the sale of plots, the quality of the neighbourhood and improvements to the infrastructure. The co-ownership of property partitions and ground leases, and the abolishment of it has also been discussed. When necessary, there is consultation with the Municipal Counsel to influence decisions.
The board meets regularly for internal consultation. In addition, some members also work on one of the working committees. The board maintains (e-mail) contact with the members about the shared concerns about liveability, safety and maintenance of the public space.